The Runner

You can use the Runner to give it some middleware and let it handle your request.

$request = new \Zend\Diactoros\ServerRequest();
// I generally use zend-diactoros, but feel free to use whatever PSR-7 library you use

$middleware = [
    // your custom \Psr\Http\Server\MiddlewareInterface objects
$runner = new \Caridea\Dispatch\Runner($middleware);
$response = $runner->handle($request);

Your final middleware should create and return a PSR-7 ResponseInterface. You can also provide one to the Runner constructor and it handles it automatically.

$response = new \Zend\Diactoros\Response();
$runner = new \Caridea\Dispatch\Runner($middleware, $response);
$response = $runner->handle($request);

A Runner is immutable. You can use it more than once.

$runner = new \Caridea\Dispatch\Runner($middleware);
$response1 = $runner->handle($request);
$response2 = $runner->handle($request);